finding new job

6 Tips in finding a new job

Hiring manager usually sees a lot of applicants and resumes per day. Many of them actually look almost identical in some respects. One of the key that will help you stand out is talking about the things that you are passionate about with regards to the work that you did.

A good recruiter not only focuses on the skill alinement of the candidate but also keeps in mind his future expectations to ensure his growth, which later ensures his long stay in the organization

Emphasize the spark that really excited you about the type of work that you are expected to carry out. Additionally, what you have learned at your coursework, volunteer projects, or part time jobs. These give recruiter a better understanding of who you are. In essence, your potential recruiter wants to know you and hire you for your unique talents and skills. So, hope you will be that diamond that the recruiter is looking for.

Tip #1: Proactively reach out to recruiters who recruit in the field you are looking to get into via LinkedIn. Email, message and send your resume to the recruiters and let them know you are interested in the open opportunities available.

Keep your skills relevant to the job you’re targeting

Tip #2: Know what you are looking for. Be job specific. The worse type of candidates for recruiters are ones that are open to just any jobs they have no clear idea of. In order to find that specific job your want, reasonably lines up with your experience, abilities, qualifications, salary, location, industry, and be mindful of the job title. These information gives the recruiter a clear idea what they need to find for you.

Tip #3: Perfect your “Tell me about” schpeel. All recruiters just want to know a brief explanation of your background, skills, what you are able to do, and what type of job fits you. Avoid going into nitty gritty details and start explaining acronyms and things that recruiters probably won’t understand. In essence, be concise and to the point with your explanation.

Tip #4: Make sure your resume and LinkedIn are top notch. You really want to give good reasons for the recruiters to want to call you back. That means you need to showcase a really attractive, compelling resume and LinkedIn profile.

Collaboration within a group can help solve difficult problems

Tip #5: Be open and flexible to both talking and not talking. Sometimes during the day or office hours, recruiter may call you that they got you an interview or that there is an open opportunity available. If you are still working in a company while searching for a new one, you have to be open and flexible to taking those calls now. Of course you have to set some guidelines and let the recruiter know when you are not available but be willing to run off discreetly to take those phone calls.

Read blog: How do I find freelance translation jobs?

Read blog: How do professional translation companies provide translation services?

Tip #6: Be honest. Let the recruiters know if you are serious about the position offered or not. Else you are only doing a disservice for yourself and the recruiter when you are wasting each other’s time. Being dishonest will cause you to lose credibility with the recruiters.

Honesty in the workplace encourages a sense of trust among employees, the company and the community

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