Google Play Developer Console is the platform that Google provides for Google Play and Android developers to publish and monitor their app’s performance in the Google Play store. Those who have published app before will notice that the developer console now looks completely different. Google team tries to make its platform easier for developer to publish their app.


App specification

- An error free app
- App will need a unique Bundle ID to represent it
- A signed app release. This requires a signing certificate, for info on how to do this check here.
- Signed up to Google Play Console and be a Play publisher 

App narrative

- Short description: A brief summary of your app. This will be shown on the app’s Google Play Store listing and is critical for convincing people to download your app. Pack the most important and exciting information in the first three lines.

- Full description: Go into more details about your app. You have a maximum of 4000 characters. Highlight benefits and key features. This is shown when a user opens your app’s store listing.

- Screenshots: Essential to show your app in action. Click Add screenshot and upload screenshots of the app. You are required to upload at least two screenshots, but aim for seven or the maximum of eight for the best results and put the best ones at the beginning. To be featured in the Play Store’s “Designed for tablets” list, upload screenshots of your app running on a 7-inch and 10-inch tablet.

- Hi-res icon: This is the icon that will be shown in Google Play Store and on your users’ devices when downloaded

- Feature graphic: This is labeled as optional even though it’s essential since your app cannot be featured anywhere on the Google Play Store without a feature graphic. Aim for a bold, vivid, and simple image that promotes your brand with minimal writing.

- Video link: You can also add a link to a video of your app. This can be a YouTube link.

- Application type: Whether it’s an app or a game

- Category: Business, travel, education, etc.
How to publish your Android App on Play Store 2020 | Publish app on Play Store | Android Tutorials

Congratulations! You’ve now successfully rolled out your app, and it will send all its information to Google for review. Within two hours your app should be shipped and published on the Google Play store in the countries that you’ve selected.